Services I offer
Diane S. Speier, PhD
Diane has created an online course on the postpartum period called 8 Keys for Thriving in the Fourth Trimester. Designed for prospective and new parents, the course offers practical and informative resources on what happens after a baby is born. It fills the gap on learning about life after birth, a missing link when so much current focus is on birth and parenting. The transition to parenthood is challenging and this course guides parents through 8 modules that enhance the ability to cope with those challenges and affect a happy and healthy adjustment.

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What People are Saying
Life After Birth: A Parent’s Holistic Guide for Thriving in the Fourth Trimester
“In the age of overspecialisation, the book by Diane Speier is a perfect demonstration of what we should expect from interdisciplinary perspectives. Diane can write as a mother, who had a personal experience of hospital and home births, and also as a grandmother. She can write as a psychologist….