Avoiding Birth Trauma: The Missing Link in Birth Preparation
Half day (3 hour) workshop, adjunct to childbirth classes
This workshop fills the gap for information that when practically applied leads to a happy and healthy birth experience. It doesn’t take the place of conventional birth preparation; it adds new dimensions to what’s currently being taught.
Most birth preparation that focuses on the physical aspects of birth is limited when it comes to the actual experiences that mothers and their partners have. As a birth and postpartum professional, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard new mothers say that all the classes they took didn’t seem to make a difference.

Here’s how knowledge can be empowering:
Birth preparation add-ons, discussed in detail during the birth trauma prevention workshop, include:
For more information, schedule of workshops, and for any questions, please contact Diane.

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Energy Medicine for Postpartum Resilience, Part One