Avoiding Birth Trauma: The Missing Link in Birth Preparation

Half day (3 hour) workshop, adjunct to childbirth classes

  • Why has birth become such a traumatic experience for new parents?
  • What are the essentials to be fully prepared for a trauma-free birth?

This workshop fills the gap for information that when practically applied leads to a happy and healthy birth experience. It doesn’t take the place of conventional birth preparation; it adds new dimensions to what’s currently being taught.

Most birth preparation that focuses on the physical aspects of birth is limited when it comes to the actual experiences that mothers and their partners have. As a birth and postpartum professional, I can’t tell you how many times I have heard new mothers say that all the classes they took didn’t seem to make a difference.  

avoiding birth trauma

Here’s how knowledge can be empowering:

  • Parents need to be able to negotiate with the hospital staff, if that’s where they are having their baby, and to know that it’s within their rights to do so as medical consumers.
  • Parents need to be informed about how inflammation can play a part in how they feel, leading to perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) that can start during pregnancy.
  • Parents need to prepare for the changes that will impact on their relationship, as partners become parents, so that they are supportive of each other during birth and the postpartum period.

Birth preparation add-ons, discussed in detail during the birth trauma prevention workshop, include:

  • Medical consumerism – knowing how to navigate the system to get the birth you deserve
  • Inflammatory response system – the impact on pregnancy and birth
  • PMADs – knowing what to expect, what are the signs and options
  • Relationship stress after birth – ways to stay connected through the transition to parenthood
  • Birth planning – effective tools that flexibly include contingencies
  • Childbirth review – ways to integrate the birth experience with maternity professionals
  • Community and professional support – pathways for managing perinatal mental illness
  • Interactive discussions, demonstrations, handouts

For more information, schedule of workshops, and for any questions, please contact Diane.

Energy Medicine for Postpartum Resilience Part One

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Energy Medicine for Postpartum Resilience, Part One